A cave of Bizkaia identifies a crustacean hitherto unknown

Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana

Elhuyar Zientzia

This new species has been discovered in the cave of Goienetxe (Bizkaia). Ed. CSIC

In the cave of Goikoetxe, researchers of the Natural Sciences Museum of Spain (CSIC) have identified a species of crustacean hitherto unknown. Vejdovskybathinella vasconica has been baptized as “vejdovskybathinella vasconica” and in its identification, in addition to its morphological characteristics, the genetic study has been used.

Identify the batinel that have just identified it. Ed. CSIC

In fact, according to Ana Camacho, who participated in the study, “molecular study is essential to differentiate species that seem morphologically equal.” Thus, the parts of two genes have sequenced: Mitochondrial IOC gene and core 18S gene. This has allowed to differentiate the new species.

Vejdovskybathinella vasconica is a batinela. These crustaceans usually have between 0.5 and 1 mm and live in underground waters such as wells, water, water sources...

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