Forest field

In the State of Veracruz of Mexico, El Pital has been a great discovery. In the rainforest there are 150 pyramidal and forty meter high peaks that will take the entire century to properly analyze. The site has been carried out by a team of American and Mexican scientists, under the direction of Jeffrey Wilkinson.

The ruins found belong to the same time as the current Teotihuacan of the Mexican capital and it seems that their societies belong to the AD. It reached a high level between 300 and 600, although in this place the population lived between 2,500 and 3,000 years.

The city of El Pitalgo, of about twenty thousand inhabitants, was competing with the city of Teotihuacan. In addition to the coastal towns, the inhabitants of El Pital were also engaged in trade on land with inland cities. Wilkinson suggests that maize to North America could have been introduced by El Pital traders through relationships with the Indians who were then in the Mississippi River delta.

With the site of El Pital, some gaps are expected to be clarified on the genesis of Aztecs and Olmec and the destruction of certain civilizations. It is also expected to obtain interesting information about relations between Mayan, Olmec, Zapotec, Aztec, etc.

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