Where is the South Pole?

The tourist of the photo would suppose a great discouragement if he knew that that South Pole is not. In any case, the distance between the geographic pole and the “other” pole is minimal.

At least in the proper place, or so they believe. Although it seems like a naive question, the geologist groups of Antarctica look for a response through local calculations and observations. There is no total agreement, but if the tourist who appears in the photo would have known it!

The point at which the Earth's turning axis cuts the surface in the southern hemisphere is called a geographic pole. However, geologists warn that what you can see in the photo is only a “reference pole”. Geologists also believe there is an approximate distance of 10 meters, but in what direction? In fact, the ice sheets are not stable and when moving they carry with them the one above and the sign that says Polo Sur.

Anyway, it must be said that the problem is not a problem of life or death. Geologists consider that there are no difficulties in measuring the movement of ice plates and so it has been done so far. For the latest measurements, for example, satellite systems were used. Knowing these data, should anyone take over the annual transfer?

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