Mammal, lime

Mammal, lime
01/06/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: M. Sivaguru)

The limes of all mammals have the same function, supply food and oxygen to the embryo and eliminate the residues and carbon dioxide generated by it. They also protect the fetus from its mother's immune system.

All Karen is not the same. Each species has developed its custom lime. Several biologists at Stanford University conducted a study on how this specialization has occurred. First, the limes of mice were analyzed in the different phases of gestation to know which genes were expressed in each phase.

It was found that the genes activated in the initial phases corresponded to those activated in other types of animals, that is, the same group of genes is launched in both mammals and birds, reptiles and other oviparous to form the membrane that is usually present in eggs.

As gestation progresses, lime genes are specific to each species. Thus, in the adult placenta of mice, half of the active genes were rodent-specific genes. When analyzing fully developed human lime, they saw that a quarter of the genes being expressed were genes that only have primates.

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