Idea for the exploitation of metal nodules

Researchers are concerned about the metal nodules found at the bottom of the oceans.

Researchers are concerned about the metal nodules found at the bottom of the oceans. It is said that they are about to send a specially equipped diving and remote control by Soviets. It would collect, grind and spray nodules. Only the solution of metallic salts thus obtained would be pumped. The advantage of this system is that the slag remains at the bottom of the sea and only useful materials will be collected. In this way, 50 kilos of manganese, 5 or 6 kilos of iron, 2 or 2.5 kilos of nickel and 1.5 or 2 kilos of copper would be obtained.

The Soviets have proposed adapting an atomic ship (called Sevmorpout) for this task. For warships it would not be a bad adaptation.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila