NEXUS Information Service

If you have a modem on your computer, what you read below may interest you.

Seminars, e-mail, games, software libraries, purchases, simulators, etc. are available to the user. To mention something, we will mention the seminars, which can cover more than a hundred topics. Astronomy, self-editing, language C, CIM, clipper, lotus 123, unix, dbase 3, jokes and travel are some of the themes that you will have at your disposal.

From your computer you can send any message like FAX.

The technical characteristics of access to this service are as follows:

  • It supports standards V21, V22, V22 bis and V23 (with the standard V23 it is not necessary to emulate the terminal Ibertex or Minitel).
  • 300, 1200, 2400 or 1200/75 full-duplex
  • 8 bits of data, 1 stop-bit without parity.

The rates of use of the service are as follows:

  • Registration: Registration: 2,500 sts.
  • Normal rate: (08:00 to 18:00)..
  • Reduced price: (18:00 to 8:00) ... 200 sts/hour.
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila