Without getting wet dive

If you approach the Ricco/Maresca Gallery in New York you can float on the clouds or swim without getting wet. These curiosities have been the improvisation of Charlotte Davis, a graphic inventor who has achieved these simulations using a high-speed computer called Silicon Graphis.

The most important contribution of this artist is to simulate breathing in the water with oxygen pump. Osmose is an exhibition in which visitors put a helmet on their heads or wear special glasses. Next, the sensors are attached to the body that measure the expansions and contractions of the chest, sending the information to the computer.

Initially the sensors were located near the diaphragm, but since it was not customary to breathe deeply the normal visitor, they had to stick the sensor around the chest box. In order for the environment created by computer to be perceived by the user, it is necessary to get the images to be viewed as soon as possible. You know reader, if you want to dream come to the Ricco/Maresca Gallery.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila