Microbes to salt

They have found life in several areas of the sea saturated with salts, in the Mediterranean. It is believed that a high concentration of salts prevents life and that is why biologists who have made this discovery are surprised.

Six million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea was dry and was not related to the Atlantic. At that time the salt provided by the rivers accumulated in the sediments of the soil. Subsequently, the connection with the ocean was opened and the sea covered the entire territory. But in the background were some areas in which the saline concentration of water was enormous. There would hardly be a trace of life in those places.

However, some Dutch biologists have wanted to know if these spaces are alive or not. Four zones have been selected and analyzed. Through a robotic submarine samples have been collected in these areas and DNA remains have been found.

This DNA belongs to many species of unknown microorganisms, including 50 bacteria and 20 coffers. Now, biologists want to grow in a laboratory, especially to investigate which proteins they contain in order to live in salts.

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