Increasing Microsoft Competition

Waliño, Josu

Elhuyar Fundazioa

The Bill Gates company monopoly is increasingly under threat. The good reception of Linux in the computer world and the little resurrection of the Macintosh as a consequence of the iMac, has made Windows NT and Office have taken out a good and economical competition for its two most important tools.

On the one hand, there is the PetrOS operating system, which is being developed by the Australian company Trumpet Software. This system offers many of the Windows NT options, with only 100 Kb of memory and very few system resources. Its price is 3,000 and 15,000 pesetas. intermediate, much cheaper than NT, of course.

On the other hand, the company Sun has started to distribute the Star Office package free of charge thanks to the purchase of the company Star Division software. This Star Office package is very similar to that of Microsoft Office, with some advantages, on the one hand, gratuitousness, of course, but also access to systems such as Windows, Linux, OS/2 or Solaris. You can upload it below Given the overprice that Microsoft puts on
its products, it is no wonder that soon this type of software is very successful.

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