For the first time the rotation of a black hole is shown

Roa Zubia, Guillermo

Elhuyar Zientzia

Ed. Information

Apparently, like any other star, the black hole rotates on itself, it is rotating. But black holes are not seen, so it is very difficult to confirm. However, the team of MIT astronomer Sheperd Doeleman has succeeded. Its results indicate that the black hole in the center of the elliptical galaxy M87 turns and the stars around it turn in the same direction.

To check it, look at the gas emitting the black hole. The M87 galaxy is nearby and very bright. It is easy to investigate what happens in an entire galaxy, and that is why it has become a study for astronomers. The measurement carried out by the Doeleman team has exploded in this sense, since through the Event Horizon telescope it has realized the base of the gas jet emitted by the black hole in the center of the galaxy. A black hole has never been analyzed as close as MIT astronomers have studied. To this extent the rotation of the star has been detected. According to astronomical theory, it was logical for black holes to turn, and this idea has now been confirmed.

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