Singularity of Magnetological Fluids

Fluids are undoubtedly the rarest fluids in nature due to their magnetic characteristics and behavior. These fluids in normal conditions are like other fluids, but under the influence of the magnetic field they “freeze”, that is, they pass to solid state.

The cause of this phenomenon lies in the structure of fluids, consisting of fine carbonyl particles dissolved in non-magnetic fluid, such as mineral oil. The charcoal component is paramagnetic, that is, although it is not magnetic, it becomes magnetic under the influence of the magnetic field, so when magnetic field is applied to the magnetic fluid the fine carbonyl particles are magnetized and joined in long chains crystallizing the fluid.

The areas of use of these materials are very varied, for example, in the chairs of the trucks are used as co-fighters and can be used to absorb the seismic energy of the earthquake in construction. A team of researchers at Standford University is thinking of using these fluids as valves in laboratory chips, but for this they must first analyze their properties as microfluids.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila