“Witnesses of small revolutions”. New section starting from January

Coinciding with the new year, Elhuyar magazine has started a new section. The chapter is titled “Witnesses of Small Revolutions” and will be starring in close and distant scientists. Specifically, the unforeseen circumstances and expectations of these scientists. They will be asked to testify, and to tell what has surprised them most since they started working, and what findings they would like to be witnesses before they stop working.

The section will have an interview format and the questions will be two and the same for all: 1. What has surprised you most, altered or fascinated you since you started working? ; and 2. What would you like to witness the revolution or the discovery throughout your trajectory? The section will be attended by the editor of the magazine, Ana Galarraga Aiestaran.

Elhuyar magazine has sought the first witness at home: physicist Txema Pitarke, director of the research center CIC nanoGUNE and president of Elhuyar. In the January issue he has gathered the testimony of Pitarke and many more will come behind him.

Proposing witnesses to propose witnesses

The editorial team of the magazine has proposed the first witnesses, but we also want to invite readers to propose the names of the scientists that awaken your curiosity. You can make the proposals by e-mail to the e-mail address aldizkaria@elhuyar.com or through social networks: @elhuyaraldiko twiter-account or on the Facebook page of Elhuyar magazine.
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