Internet Dependence

Last February a young Italian lived on the Internet for three consecutive days with hallucinations and intelligence problems that led him to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed her with “serious internet poisoning.” This news, curiously, reflects another social problem, the dependence on the internet.

This disease caused by the Internet network is becoming an increasingly serious problem in advanced countries and more and more cases are occurring. It is already considered a work-related illness and the people suffering from this dependence are mostly men, about 30 years old, without psychological problems and with a high cultural level. These people use the Internet both at work and at home, so they can surf the Internet for about 10 hours a day.

Without going so far, however, there may be psychological problems; the psychiatrist of the University of La Gregoriana of Rome, Tonino Cantelmi, has stated that spending 5 or 6 hours daily internet can be dangerous. Take accounts.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila