Ibarmia, UPV and Tecnalia present the largest 3D printer in the industry

They have jointly created the largest 3D printer for the industry. Ed. UPV/EHU

Ibarmia, UPV and Tecnalia present a printer that combines 3D printing manufacturing for industry and precision machining. In fact, they have collaborated in the development of the printer, the first of these characteristics in Spain.

The machine, called ADD+PROCESS, “can revolutionize the industry,” as it opens up new design and manufacturing opportunities. In fact, it works as an autonomous production center that gets a finished piece from scratch. It can produce large prototypes and parts up to 1.6 m in length and repair high-value parts in the automotive, aeronautical, oil and gas and machine tool sectors.

To do this, it uses laser addition technologies that allow the milling and turning of large-scale parts. Manipulate the material at a micrometric scale and deposit precisely until the construction of a solid. Compared to conventional technologies, the use of materials in additive technology is very low, which means savings in materials and energy that can reach 60%.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila