Joint force can be regenerated

In the following century, technological advances will allow us to know the common force existing in the first moments of the Universe. According to the Grand Unified Theory of Physics, at the time after the Big Bang the three non-gravitational forces of the Universe – electromagnetic, weak and strong – were united. According to physics, the three forces remained united until the energy of the particles of the Universe descended to 1016 gigaelectronvolts, that is, in the first 1038 seconds of the Universe.

However, two researchers from the European laboratory CERN consider that the energy in which the separation of forces occurred is much lower. According to calculations, the distribution energy of the forces would be only 1,000 GeV. In the Hadron particle accelerator, which CERN will have by 2005, this energy can be obtained, so physicists consider that they will be able to generate a common force by the beginning of the following century.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila