A tour of the territories of the Aizkorri mountain range

Arantzazu-Urkilla-Zabalaitz-Urbia-Arantzazu chain
Sua Editions

This route, which is proposed through these lines, leads us to a more unknown mountain line, parallel to the mountain range of Aizkorri, specifically to that of Urkilla. This short mountain range can be considered as an extension of the Elgea mountain range. From here we will easily approach the esplanades of Urbia, and then return by the well-known road that descends from Urbia to Arantzazu. In this beautiful tour of four hours of easy travel, we can enjoy very diverse landscapes.

We started in the parking lot of Arantzazu. Here we will find some narrow stairs that descend towards the stream. If we go down, in a very short time we will go down many meters, since the slope is very steep. The road to avoid the biggest slopes continuously turns from left to right. We will reach the confluence of the streams Urkullu and Begiolatza, crossing the existing bridge and taking to the left the path that ascends to the height of the stream Begiolatza. At first, between two walls. To the right we will have Aitzabal and to the left Bellostegi. After another bridge we will see that this small valley widens and at the height of it we can see the top of Erbizaskun.

After crossing a stream and ascending, we leave for a mountain track, taking right at the next junction.

From here we will go to the hill of Arriona, just to the limit of the mountain ranges of Aizkorri and Urkilla. In this area we will find PR tracks and continue to the right. We left aside the pines we have had so far and we entered a beautiful beech. After crossing the top of the Trango, we will reach the hill of Zurkutz. In this area we can enjoy two very different landscapes: to the north, we will face the beech trees of Urkilla and to the south, a more flat and dry landscape of Alava.

We headed west, without losing sight of the road signs and walked between the heather until we reached the tip of the Napar forest. Following the path, the next summit will be that of Oburu, then we will lose some altitude and reach the hill of El Hierro. We left to the right the top of Petrinaitz and went out to some pastures, where we find near the shacks of Ollanzu. It can be the ideal place to take a short break.

From here and after climbing the steep slope, we climb occasionally between stones to the top of Zabalaiz. This stretch is full of tracks that guide the way, not to be missed in the days of such abundant fog. From the top of Zabalaiz, we will be able to enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the wide pastures of Urbia and, with clean weather, we will be able to greet in front of the peaks of Aizkorri.

After enjoying the view, we will descend to meet the fountain of Zabalaiz. Later on, we will find ourselves on the hill of Elorrola with the road that comes from the lodging of Urbia to Lize. In this hill the landmarks and the different traffic signs appear.

B. Cork

The road from this area to Arantzazu is known and frequents numerous people, which is reflected in the state of the route. In fact, the path is widely used and the roots of the trees appear naked. We descend through the hayedo until we reach the source, where begins a small forest of larches that leads us back to Arantzazu without losses.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila