Hekimen reiterates that the Basque media need help to address the consequences of COVID -19

After hearing the explanations of Counsellor Bingen Zupiria in Parliament, the Director of the Hekimen Association stated that it is essential that the aid granted by the government to deal with the consequences of COVID -19 be extended to the other media in the Basque country.

Ed. Hekimen

Note by Hekimen:

Having heard today in the Parliament of Vitre-Gasteiz the explanations of the Minister for Culture and Linguistic Policy, Bingen Zupiria, on the aid granted by the Basque Government to certain media to alleviate the damage caused by COVID 19, Igor Astibia, director of the Hekimen Association, it is essential to extend this aid to the other media in Basque.

According to Hekimen’s director, there are no objective reasons to limit this extraordinary aid to the daily press or radio. The damage caused by COVID 19 has been suffered and suffered by all the media and by the Basque media. It is therefore incomprehensible to limit aid to certain media. This aid must be extended, as the media in the Basque country also need help to deal with the damage caused by the Coweak-19.

The media in Euskera have made a special effort during the pandemic, not only to maintain the capacity for information, but to strengthen that capacity. A special effort to ensure that each person responds to the extent required by the pandemic in their field. And the people have thanked this effort. It is only to see how digital media consumption in the Basque country has increased during the pandemic. If this type of one-off aid or innovation-related investment does not take into account the media in the Basque country, it will be difficult to make progress.

For all these reasons, since the Hekimen Association, we have reiterated to the Basque Government the call made in its day to extend the approved aid in order to alleviate the damage caused by the Covid to the rest of the media in the Basque country.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila