Quieter aircraft in the future

Quieter aircraft in the future
01/12/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Silent Aircraft Initiative)

Design a quieter passenger plane at MIT: SAX-40. The design of the plane is totally innovative, since nothing has to do with the tubular planes that there are today.

The plane has a more compact appearance, the wings and main body of the plane are one (like a blanket strip). In addition, the engines go on the plane and not under the wings, as so far.

This design means that the plane will be quieter than the current one and not only that, but it will need less fuel -- 35% more fuel efficient.

Apparently, this new aircraft design has no more than advantages, but it is to be seen if the manufacturers are going to receive this design, since to carry out the change would be necessary a great investment in production. According to the MIT calculation, the SAX-40 aircraft will be at least 2030 for the start of commercial flights.

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