Also the brightest

The brightest comet of the last twenty years can be seen in April. The same thing was said about comet Hale-Bopp that can be seen in the photo.

The brightest comet of the last twenty years can be seen in April. If not, the Japanese astronomer Yuji Hyakutake would regret very much, as he first met comet C/1996 B2. The first estimates suggest that it will appear brighter than Saturn, and astronomers from the Harvard Smithsonian research center confirm the Japanese hypothesis.

The new comet will offer us a unique show that can be seen more from the northern hemisphere. In any case, it is not known exactly how the appearance of the kite will be and for the moment we will have to keep looking at the kneading. However, remember what was said about the magnitudes of comet Hale-Bopp

Elhuyar. Science and Technology, number 105
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