Of the biggest and dirty

22 million dollars. That is the money needed to recover the ecological balance of Lake Maracaibo. And it seems that it is about to be achieved because, after long discussions, the Andeta Promotion Commission has decided to grant a grant. Undeniable need.

Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela is one of the largest lakes in the world. There are many rivers that pour their waters directly, but it has not become famous for it. The fame of Lake Damaio for oil and the high degree of contamination of oil exploitation. The implementation of the recently approved grant will be intended for the implementation of new pollution treatment systems.

Among the actions announced is the process of recovering the fauna and flora of Lake Maracaibo, rearranging the natural ecological balance of the lake. We will have to face the barbarism of the years and the recovery of many species. Obviously, the conclusions are not going to be highlighted in the short term, but it cannot be denied that it is an important step forward.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila