Graphene pump to define amps

Roa Zubia, Guillermo

Elhuyar Zientzia

Ed. Guillermo Roa

The current definition of amp can be significantly improved by using single-electron pumps. It is a very good method from the theoretical point of view, but in practice there are great difficulties for the realization of these pumps. But they can be done, some physicists from the UK have found graffiti, that is, with a fashion material with amazing physical properties, a way to make these pumps. All units used in science come from seven basic units. Therefore, it is necessary to make a special effort to accurately define these seven. Amperea is one of the seven and continues to have definition problems. In principle it has a specific theoretical definition, but the measurement of the amp depends on other basic units, so you have to look for new ways for the exact measurement. There are two other units related to electricity, ohma and voltio, but they do not have the problem that the amp has. The practical difficulty is in the definition itself; two cables that conduct electricity should be perfect and infinite, placed in parallel position at a distance of one meter, from which one would have to pass a continuous and accurate electric current to start measuring. To define the amp, the current intensity that produces a certain force between the two cables should be measured. In practice all this is impossible. However, other experiments that measure the same can be carried out. However, the hardest thing is to find a reliable source of electric current. The current physicists use for this purpose a device that pumps a single electron each time, and the physicists of the prestigious National Physical Laboratory and Cavendish Laboratory have manufactured a graphene with the physical properties suitable for the manufacture of electrical appliances and, in the case of monolingual pumps, the current that frequently pumps gigahertz can be produced by means of a pump of graphene much greater than that of other pumps. If they improve the definition of ampere pump graphene, the three basic electrical units will be defined with great precision.


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