Gorillas under the fog

The governments of Uganda, Rwanda and Zaire face a major challenge in the coming months. Things well, before the end of the year will open a new Natural Space in these territories, with the aim of protecting gorillas and reducing the human influence that threatens their survival. It will not be easy task. At this time, in the mountains of this region there are about 650 gorilla, the largest community of gorillas has settled around the volcanic chain Virunga.

The governments of Uganda, Rwanda and Zaire face a major challenge in the coming months. Well, before the end of the year the new Natural Space will be inaugurated in these territories, with the aim of protecting gorillas.

The most positive experience so far began in 1992, when the Mgahing was declared National Park. At the initiative of the newly created Gorilla Protection Organization, they established a model based on ecotourism. This aims to avoid wild tourism that endangers the growth of the gorilla population. It cannot yet be said that it has been achieved, but environmental organizations believe they are working on the right path. The news agency Panos points out that although the protection measures of gorillas have not achieved population growth, practices considered risky in the deployment of the model will be reduced.

The main enemies are visitors who hunt gorillas and take their hands and heads as souvenirs. But not the only ones. Local farmers have not seen with good eyes the protection zone established by the Government of Uganda. Gorillas have not been comfortable neighbors, as they occupy the land necessary for agriculture and reduce the planted.

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