The administration of a glucocorticoid can reduce mortality in severe cases of covid-19 by 60%

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According to a study conducted in the Basque Country, the evolution of severe cases of covid-19 pneumonia can be significantly improved by administering high-dose methyl-prednisolone glucocorticoid. When applying a pulse of glucocorticoids for three days, their mortality is reduced by 60% and the number of people who enter and intuit in the ICU.

This is a study by researchers from Cruces, Biocruces Bizkaia OII, UPV and CIBERSEPE, published by the scientific journal Plos One. The treatment used in autoimmune inflammatory diseases of the lungs is the one that they have tested with COVID-19 and, given its usefulness, they wanted to see in what specific patients benefits and in what phase of evolution of the disease. For this purpose, 343 hospitalized patients were observed in March and April 2020.

The second week after the onset of symptoms, glucocorticoid has been the most effective. And the effect was only observed when high values were given in the analytical parameters of inflammation and those with respiratory deterioration.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila