Pill for men in search of contraceptive

Contraception can be obtained using two known drugs. What substances feroxybenzamine and thioridazine delay ejaculation and in some cases stop it long ago. New studies confirm the value of the birth control pill.

Since the use of the birth control pill was normalized, we have heard many times that an important step was taken towards women's freedom. On this occasion, men will be able to advance in the same direction. According to researchers at King's College Research Center in London, the contraceptive pill that men would take can be obtained using two well-known drugs.

What phenoxibentzamine and thioridazine substances delay ejaculation and in some cases stop it for a long time. The first studies carried out in the 1950s and the results obtained detected two types of reactions. Although it was possible to delay ejaculation, it was also shown to generate negative side effects. Among other things, the research reports of the time point to the increase in anxiety and depression.

The investigations carried out in 1984 in Israel managed to avoid side effects by mixing both substances. They paralyzed ejaculation and obtained “dry” orgasms. According to the researchers, if the process is carried out in a controlled manner, the next step will be the commercialization of oral contraceptives.

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