Oxygen reservoir of the human brain

So far it was thought that by performing intellectual work such as reading the oxygen level of the brain rose. However, according to a study by researchers at the University of Washington, St. Louis, belief is also half.

As seen in images of brain activity, the relationship between intellectual work and oxygen level was considered correct. In jobs like reading or memorization, blood flow in the brain increases. According to scientists, this increase was due to the possibility of carrying oxygen to all cells.

However, Mark A. The group led by Minon has used the PET imaging technique (positron emission tomography) to study blood flow. In an oxygen-poor environment, 9 people did intellectual work. If the above theory were correct, blood flow should be considerably increased. But, contrary to what they expected, it did not happen.

It seems that the brain has an oxygen tank. This allows when the oxygen level is low, the brain can act for a while. According to Minón, the brain has more capillaries than it should theoretically, and they may work as oxygen stores. In addition, the existence of an oxygen tank is a human characteristic, since mice and other primates are much more sensitive to the low oxygen level.

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