Those in the War

During the war between Serbia and Croatia there have been many deaths, but perhaps the worst is still about to arrive. The first week of June, some Serb bombs exploded in the city of Tuzla, north of Sarajebo, 750 m from a deposit of mercury and chlorine.

At 120 km from Sarajebo plastic material is manufactured in the plant called "Polihem". Therefore, mercury and chlorine should be stored for further treatment by electrolysis.

"The amount of stored chlorine (450 tons) is enough to form a lethal chlorine fog for several kilometers, says M. Experts in expenditure. In addition, chlorine gas was the first toxic gas used in the war and its effect is known.

The amount of mercury stored is 50 tons and its possible environmental condition is highly negative. In case of fire, toxic substances such as hydrochloric acid, mercury chloride, etc. These substances can be poured into the rivers of the area and finally to the Danube.

Although Polihem's staff has tried to protect the warehouses to the maximum, the risk is evident.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila