Genetic yes, but…

Genetics does not totally condition the development of diabetes. Although a group of French researchers have isolated genes supposedly related to the onset of diabetes, another recent study conducted in the US and Mexico has shown us something else. Only the first results have been released, but it seems that lifestyle can condition the appearance of this chronic disease as much as genetics.

Although genetics may condition, researchers now believe that there are more factors in all cases in which diabetes appears. The onset of this disease is closely related to lifestyle.

The Pimas Indians live dispersed on the borders of the United States: the most important group lives in the reserves of the Arizona area and the other in the surroundings of the Sierra Madre de México. Therefore, they were selected to carry out this research. The body mass of both groups were measured first and then glucose tolerance was analyzed in both groups.

The results showed that there is hardly any diabetes among Mexican pimas, but cross-border Indians have a tendency. The reason, according to the researchers, has been found analyzing lifestyle and eating habits. Mexicans live on the mountain and can hardly make foods rich in fat, while Americans, in addition to being very sedentary, are fans of the local diet, that is, of hypercaloric food.

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