Looking for a better brain study

The human brain, taken from a scanner, before (above) and after (below) using the data taken by the method called “skeletonization”.

Despite advances in neurology, the brain is a complex organ in which many of its secrets have not yet been revealed. It is very difficult to predict how the brain will work in general after surgery. Breaking a small glass of blood is enough to have serious consequences. In addition, although all brains have some functions, each brain is special for its morphology, which does not facilitate the work of the surgeon.

The team of Gabor Székely of the Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich (Switzerland) has prepared a new technique for the treatment of digitized images. Due to the “loosening” of the data, common information and variations associated with each person are combined. With the help of books, anatomical atlas and medical experts create a general portrait of the brain. Taking the patient’s brain 120 “scanned” images will be compared to general information. This technique allows for a better orientation in brain circumvalations.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila