Hidden information on the Internet

The protagonist of this news is not a very well-known whim, but the program designed by him is known for internet lovers. We speak of researcher Philip Zimmermann or more specifically of his PGP program. Basically, the program called PGP contains a series of commands that allow the hidden use of email.

Zimmerman has published on the internet the program “PGP hone”. The new program encodes phone calls.

Zimmermann, a cryptography expert, has used many hidden codes to complete his program. The program has caused many headaches to its author, since the US authorities have not seen with good eyes the extension of the system that allows sending and receiving hidden information.

However, these criticisms and obstacles do not despair our skilled programmer and has recently published on the internet the program “PGP hone”. Using Macintosh or Windows, the new program will encode phone calls and hide user identity if you want.

After all this, there are nuances to be made: The U.S. law does not allow the elimination of such programs and their use in France is prohibited. Watch out, therefore, Internet fans!

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila