Euskom in Basque

When we talk about industrial sectors, usually steel, paper, machine tool, etc. we think of them. However, there are currently other industrial sectors that are gaining the same strength as in some cases. The information industry is one of these. The need for new technologies and therefore technological research to work, transmit information and consult, generate demand and supply as in any industrial sector.

In the information industry there are many subsectors and this article explains a product used in one of these subsectors. The subsector is telematics and the product is the email “EusKom”.

Telematics, by definition, is the transmission of information through the telephone line. The transmission of information can be done in different ways depending on the type of information. The information can be transmitted by email, regular mail or fax.

SPRI, sponsored by the Basque Government, started the SPRITEL program at the end of the last decade. The objective of this program, in addition to offering telematic services, is that they use as many people as possible.

One of the first services launched by Spritel has been the email “EusKom”.

“EusKom” allows the exchange of messages with other users connected to “EusKom”. The advantage of this system with respect to traditional mail is that the time of exchange of information is scarce. In addition, you can review the letters read and send copies of the letters received, with or without observations, to other users of “EusKom”.

Another important service of “EusKom” is that of e-seminars. In e-seminars, people connected to them may exchange texts for discussion, as well as those sent by third parties.

To work on “EusKom” it is only necessary to know a series of commands and also everything (the commands and the manual) is translated into Basque. Thanks to the work done by SPRITEL and Elhuyar, email in Basque is already underway. To participate in this service you must go to the following address: SPRITEL program. Technological park. Casa Nido (103) 48016 Zamudio.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila