Passion for Knowledge - Quantum 13, red carpet for science

The first week of October, high-level researchers, including several Nobel Prize winners, will gather in Donostia to bring the latest advances in their research area to the public.
Pedro Miguel Etxenike and Ricardo Díez Muiño, president and director of the DIPC. Ed. Danel Solabarrieta/Passion for Knowledge

The Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Euskampus, has devised, promoted and organized the Special Science Festival Passion for Knowledge - Quantum 13. From an innovative and creative point of view, it will offer a broad programme of activities to create a meeting place between science and society. In this way, we want to involve citizens in scientific culture and demonstrate the importance of research in society.

Passion for Knowledge - Quantum 13 will be held the first week of October in Donostia, Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz. These cities will simultaneously offer activities aimed at both the general public and students, young researchers and scientists. The Teatro Victoria Eugenia will be the scene of most acts directed to the general public.

The central event of the Festival will be a program aimed at all audiences, in which conferences will be offered by prestigious international scientists and personalities of different disciplines. Programming for the general public will also include sessions by Naukas Quanta, in collaboration with the well-known online scientific communication platform. For the first time, a play will also be performed: “The interview”. The work will address current issues such as the importance and responsibility of scientific research and the relationship between science and society. You can also watch videos at different points of the city.

Passion for Knowledge - Quantum 13 reaches beyond the activities designed for the general public. Following the wake of previous editions, the science festival aims to bring leading scientists to high school students, among whom are some Nobel Prizes, top@DIPC - Conversing with science! Meeting in Donostia, Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz. “We want the passions for science directly received from scientists to drastically wet young students, who can approach scientific research,” says Pedro Miguel Etxenike, President of Passion fo Knowledge – Quantum 13.

On the other hand, the Passion for Knowledge - Quantum 13 festival will offer for the first time a training workshop and a special workshop on the UPV/EHU campuses and the Tecnalia headquarters. These workshops are aimed at the university community and especially young researchers, doctoral students and master's students. The aim of these sessions is to provide young researchers with tools of communication and value to their research work.

Without forgetting the scientific community, in this edition of the Passion for Knowledge will also be held an international scientific workshop: 30th Brandt Ritchie Workshop (BRW), focused on the physics of condensed matter and the science of materials.

In the presentation of the Science Festival, Pedro Miguel Etxenike wanted to highlight the work of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and mentioned a phrase by Rector Iñaki Goirizelaia, with the desire to recover it quickly: “The world is now very small and the services we offer to meet the needs we want to meet compete with dozens of similar services being created on the five continents. That’s why talent makes the real difference.”

The organization highlighted that the Science Festival will highlight the importance that Basque society gives to science and research. This relevance is especially relevant in the current economic crisis situation. “The societies that want to own their future look after their talent, sow for the future and attract and retain talent,” says Pedro Miguel Etxenike, “Undoubtedly, the first week of October will be an example of the commitment to scientific-technological development in the Basque Country.”

The Director of DIPC, Ricardo Díez Muiño, added that “the festival will spread the red carpet for science and promote science as a fundamental activity to ensure the well-being of future generations. Curiosity for knowledge is the engine of science, technology and culture.”

All events aimed at the general public, students and young researchers will be free, except for the play, which will be on sale soon. To participate in the Passion for Knowledge - Quantum 13 it is necessary to register on the website of the festival and reserve space:
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila