Organs without donors

The dream of organ transplants has always been to have an inexhaustible bank of human organs and tissues. A new technology seems to be now possible, as it can serve to artificially create organs and tissues.

A Massachusetts biotechnology company has developed the technique of producing more complex tissues and structures from the cells of the patient by cloning and using animal cells. The removal of the marrow and the introduction of human cells can lead to an embryo and by controlling its growth human cells such as neurons and muscle cells can be formed. The next step would be to reach more complex structures from them, being able to finally create organs.

Although this technique can generate a great controversy, researchers are willing to move forward, since the problem of rejection of animal organs would be solved forever. Because the cells of the organs or tissues belong to the patient.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila