All the contents opened on the web

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From April all the contents of the magazine Elhuyar will be open from the beginning on the web. To date, it had to be a subscriber to be able to fully consult some of the contents of the last two months, and from now on they will be open to the public from the beginning on the web page of the magazine. The content of Elhuyar is licensed under the Creative Commons license.

The change will not affect the service received by the subscribers of the magazine through the web, and the subscribers will continue enjoying a series of advantages: in addition to receiving the magazine monthly at their home, they will find the digital edition of the magazine in the area of subscriber of the web and can download the PDFs of the published numbers. In addition, they will receive a 20% discount on products published by Elhuyar. As of April, digital subscribers will also be able to enjoy this latest advantage.

Elhuyar magazine has about 1,500 subscribers, of which 32 are digital subscribers, with 53% of subscribers discharged in digital edition.

Web in good way way

Last year came the new website of the magazine Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknologia, with the aim of giving continuity to the work that is carried out in the paper magazine. The web collects thousands of works published in the journal Elhuyar from 1985, written by a total of 800 authors.

The web has started its journey successfully. In 2012 it received 22,000 visitors, with more than 100,000 pages seen. VI. He also received the prize of journalism Tecnalia in the category of Internet with the work “Bioartificial Hope”. This award recognizes the work of the magazine Elhuyar on the web, despite having given a concrete job.
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila