Disabled computer

Some handicapped people cannot use their hands and are not able to speak. What can you do in these cases? Objective Machine, located in the French city of Alès, proposes a system called Eye Access that is really governed. The helmet placed on the head carries a small camera in front to record the movements of the pupil.

The camera with the head of the disabled person is connected to the computer.

The computer is connected with it, rather the computer mouse. Therefore, the arrow that governs the mouse on the screen is used by the disabled pupil, from top to bottom. If the disabled person closes his eye when he has the cursor at the point he wants on the screen, he clicks on the computer as when the mouse is pressed.

The disabled can thus write on screen, talk to a voice synthesizer, send telecopic, print or connect to the Internet. A special program allows the handling of domestic tools.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila