Influence of geomagnetic storms on the heart

A team of Russian researchers analyzes the influence of geomagnetic storms in the heart of the human being and discovers surprising consequences. It seems that the effect is greater than expected and can cause significant damage to the heart cells.


It is known that if the concentration of fatty acids in the blood is high, they tend to enter the cells of the heart. They are adhered to the membrane of the mitochondria and prevent them from seriously performing their function.

According to the research team, if the heart is exposed to a geo-magnetic storm, things are complicated. Fatty acids have a greater propensity to adhere to mitochondria and the membrane of organelles is made completely waterproof. Proper permeability of the membrane is fundamental for mitochondria.

If the storm makes the membrane waterproof, the organelle cannot function normally and is damaged. This makes the cell unable to obtain the necessary energy and greatly weakens the heart.

However, this situation is not irreversible. When the geomagnetic storm calms, the fatty acids move away from the membrane and the mitochondria can return to its normal function without any problems.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila