Sun and water

In Cape Verde a pumping station with solar rays has been enabled. The entire project will be completed with the construction of 800 stations of this type in the nine Sahel States.

In Cape Verde a pumping station with solar rays has been enabled. A plan organized by the European Commission has allowed the installation of this station that works with photovoltaic equipment. The entire project will be completed with the construction of 800 stations of this type in the nine Sahel States, with a cost of 8.5 billion pesetas (340 million pounds). In total, 24,000 photovoltaic modules with a power of 1,200 kilowatts will be installed.

The electricity generated in these stations will be used for water pumping, air conditioning preparation for medicines, school lighting, etc.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila