New material for solar panels

If the researchers at the University of Freiburg accept the announced discovery, it will be possible to extend the time of use of solar panels beyond current limits.

If the researchers at the University of Freiburg accept the announced discovery, it will be possible to extend the time of use of solar panels beyond current limits.

As we know, the excess of heating produced by prolonged exposure is the greatest enemy of solar panels, which reduces the time of use of them. At the University of Freiburg a “smart” material has been developed capable of protecting itself at high temperatures and, according to the first studies, is very suitable for use in solar panels.

The new material is based on the mixture of two elements that can give “intelligent” response to overheating, poly (propylene oxide) mixture and styrene copolymer and 2 hydroxymethacrylate.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila