1 day without car

On 22 September 1998, the day without a car was celebrated in 35 European cities (including Paris). In this action, which affected 4.7 million inhabitants, it was a matter of avoiding the circulation of cars, motorcycles and trucks through the city center and of promoting the use of other means of transport between 7 in the morning and 21 in the afternoon. Well, Ministère de l'Aménagement du territoire et de l'Environement has now published the data obtained in that action:

  • Reduction of vehicle traffic between 10 and 20%.
  • Approximately 10% increase in the use of buses and trains.
  • increased use of the bicycle (110% in Paris and 164% in Castres).
  • increase in the number of pedestrians (38% in the center of Castres).
  • 50% reduction in the level of pollutants.
  • Noise reduction between 50 and 75%.

All this should give us what to think, right?

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila