From slide to computer monitor

Kodak, the North American photography house, has just introduced a system that can revolutionize photography. This system is called CD Photo and consists of converting images or slides taken with 35 mm camera into digital data and storing them on an optical disk. Below you can see or print on a TV monitor.

The cost of the reader of a CD Photo is 60.000 pts. And through this system photography shops can offer a printing service after entering the image of the film into the optical disc.

To access this system it is necessary to follow the following steps:

First it is scanned with a scanner with negative photo in color or slide 2048 sensors. Although each image occupies 18 MB, with the compression system used by Kodak, each image will end up occupying only 6 MB.

Therefore, as the capacity of each disk is 600 MB, 100 images will be included. This disk will be compatible with the formats of other optical disks such as CD-ROM or CD-ROM xA.

Subsequently, the images contained in the optical discs are manipulated on a computer and finally printed on a printer.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila