Covid-19 show vaccine

Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana

Elhuyar Zientzia

Posted in Berria on 24 November 2020

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In the General Basque Dictionary, the word show has several meanings. As a name, the first term is synonymous with spectacle. And to some extent that has been the development of vaccines in recent days.

In full career, companies in the third phase of clinical trials have carried out propaganda in favor of the effectiveness of their candidates, in a clear dispute: first Pfizer (USA) and Bionteche (Germany) stated that theirs is 90%; then the Russians released the 92% Sputnik vaccine; and soon after, the Modern Americans rose to 94.5%. Pfizer did not resign: ten days after the first announcement have confirmed that efficiency has reached 95%.

The announcements have put the bags on sale, the media have filled the rungs and the authorities have ordered purchases and vaccination plans without vaccines (the Spanish Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, on November 13: "We'll buy more doses than we need." Pedro Sánchez, President of the Spanish Government, 22: "In January we will start the vaccination campaign"). There are many shows, such as circus and theatre.

Suffering is the second meaning of spectacle in vocabulary and responsibility the third. And it is used to express conflict and objective, respectively. Which of these will best suit the vaccine? Pending to see.

And that is precisely the meaning of spectacle if used as an adjective: what to see. In fact, none of these companies have submitted any scientific reports, only press releases. And everyone has acknowledged that the third phase tests have not yet been completed. In other words, they have confirmed that the research goes well before the end and without presenting scientific results.

Even with the approval of the announcement, they have not determined whether they affect preventing infection or alleviating symptoms, whether they are suitable for groups most vulnerable to covid-19, or the time of protection, or whether the distribution is equitable. One of them, for example, will have difficulty in distribution, since it must be kept at a temperature of - 70 ° C, and it is clear that, in the first stroke, not enough doses will be available to insert all the priorities.

From an economic point of view, the show (in the first place) is not uncommon. It is common for the products to be marketed to be advertised to provoke markets and obtain previous benefits, even if the product is not yet in the hands. However, this behavior generates ethical doubts, since in this case the product is not a nonsense, but something that can save life.

In addition, the rapid career has aroused reluctance and doubts in society. Therefore, it is essential that all steps be transparent, communicated clearly and explained that you do not obtain any marketing authorisation until proven safe and effective. Once marketed, a thorough follow-up is carried out to detect and intervene as soon as possible against possible side effects that could not appear in clinical sessions.

On the other hand, to awaken hope to blow there is only one letter, but the difference is very great. There are likely to be one or more vaccines on the market, which will prevent many deaths and breathe throughout society. However, no vaccine will be a complete solution, not even 100% effective. We need hope, not swollen promises.

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