Recycling in all areas

In France several car manufacturers have started recycling. Today, Renault and Peugeot-Citröen are the ones that recycle something. They recover the bumpers of the cars.

The PSA (Casa Peugeot-Citröen) has a crushing collection vehicle for bumpers. This vehicle can crumble between 500 and 700 bumpers each hour and transport more than 1,000 on each trip.

The Renault grinding vehicle sprays the detail, but the PSA does not break it so much and also collects almost new bumpers. This activity is still far from completely recycling old vehicles. However, PSA wants to address this issue and for this they have started to investigate with the French scrap company. The municipality of Saint-Pierre-de-Chandieu, close to Lyon, has just opened a pilot centre and is expected to expand a further 17.

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