Unique format for numeric video

Numeric videos will be marketed in 1997 in a single format. In turn in Japan HD TV will be launched and the world's leading video manufacturers have agreed to all use a unique format.

They want to avoid what has happened so far with analog videos. Because having multiple systems at once (VHS, Beta, 2000, etc.) has been detrimental to users, both economically and technically.

Recording the image numerically, you will not lose quality in the reproduction and when the tape is left you get an almost perfect image. Next generation magnetoscopes will be able to record four hours of classic TV on the camcorder, and if it is a HD TV you can record two hours.

The magnetic tape will have half the width of the current VHS system. Two types of magnetoscopes will be marketed: one in the room and the other (three times smaller and lighter) in which the camcopes will be supplied.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila