Web Basque Research 10 years

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The Basque Research website of the Elhuyar Foundation celebrates ten years as a showcase for research, development and innovation in the Basque Country. During these ten years he has gathered and distributed 8,000 news and events, not only in Euskal Herria, but also throughout the world. And to celebrate its anniversary, Basque Research has compiled a list of the most read news published.

A news about the magnetism of the atoms of gold, silver and copper is the list of most read news on the web. The work carried out by UPV researchers in collaboration with an international group raises new questions about the physical mechanisms associated with magnetism and opens new doors to interesting applications for the treatment of certain diseases. The second most read is the news about the Dressman ironing robot, developed by the company BSH of Estella with Siemens. It is a robot for ironing and drying shirts. And the one that has received more visits later has been another of the works of the UPV/EHU on the population of the Aldaieta Alavesa necropolis, taking advantage of studies of the old DNA.

This is the list of ten most read news of these ten years:

1 Transformation of gold, silver and copper atoms into magnets (38,962 visits)

2 Dressman, ironing robot (18,824 visits)

3 Ancient DNA: Recreating the biological history of Aldaieta (16,737 visits)

4 Origin of the mutation that causes family lethal insomnia (10,596 visits)

5 Itziar Laka: “Language is in the brain” (10,304 visits)

6 New methods to improve the behavior of industrial robots (9,950 visits)

7 Measure the quality of life associated with health, the challenge of biostatistics (9,779 visits)

8 BIOS, biometry system evaluation (9,631 visits)

9 Metamaterials with new electromagnetic properties (9,585 visits)

10 BCBL analyzes the “capacity” of bertsolaris (9,339 views)


These ten news are one of the most prestigious on an international level. The main priority of Basque Research since its inception has been the creation of networks for the dissemination of research and development. Thus, collaboration with the websites Alphagalileo, which encompasses European research, and Cordis Wire, of the European Commission. The news published in Basque Research was published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Eurekalert! They are also spread on the web. Thanks to this network, during these ten years, the news about the research that takes place in Euskal Herria have appeared in numerous prestigious media: The Times, New Scientist, BBC, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, CNN...

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