Elhuyar closes the web Basque Research

Today is the last day of the web Basque Research. This has been said by those responsible for the web through a note. The project was born in 2002 with the aim of publicizing the research of the Basque Country at national and international level, at the initiative of Elhuyar and with the collaboration of the Basque Government. The note indicates that the project has been left without external sources of funding and that the efforts to renew it have been sterile, so they have had no choice but to close it.
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The note that has been published entirely on the Basque Reserch website reporting the closure is as follows:

"Today is the last day of the Basque Research website. The project, created in 2002 by initiative of Elhuyar and with the collaboration of the Basque Government, has come to an end.

For many years we have released your research news to society. Basque research has also been reported internationally through several reference websites: Alphagalileo, Eurekalert, CordisWire, SINC, Innovations-report. We also organized the Thesis Prize 2003 to 2009. From then on, we incorporated the thesis dissemination awards to the CAF-Elhuyar awards.

We have published thousands of news and events in 12 years: More than 5.000 news and many other events. Average daily news and more than one event. The weekly newsletter of Basque Research has 1,100 subscribers.

We believe that the route has been wide and varied. Along the way, in addition to the contributions of Elhuyar, there are those who have helped us finance the project: Basque Government (through the calls SAIOTEK, HEDATU and IKT), Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. We have presented the project to the calls for help of all, and the money we have received from them has been essential to be able to advance.

Now, however, many of these grant calls have disappeared and in the attempts made with both the government and other public institutions, we have not obtained funding for the project. In the face of the future, we have been told that these aid will not be recovered.

The Basque Research project will be closed indefinitely. Until recently, however, few foresaw this situation. In 2012 we addressed reflection to strengthen the Basque Research community, and since then we have been transforming and innovating the project.

One of the results of this process has been the preparation of the new website. Therefore, the new design of Basque Research will be available on the Internet without new contents.

Thanks to all the informers who during these years have contributed your trust and content, to all the journalists with whom you have worked our news, to all those who have read our contents and to all the collaborators who have participated in the project, both from Elhuyar and from external companies. We hope to be able to collaborate soon, a greeting!"

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila