Equalizing the desert

Some Japanese researchers believe that genetic manipulation can increase plant durability in arid lands.

The sustainability of plants in arid lands is a serious problem.

The University of Osaka investigates the behavior of plants in dry and sunny media, isolating an enzyme produced by bacteria from the human body to extend plant life. This enzyme neutralizes plant oxides and reduces an effect that kills cells: plants close the stomata under the sun to prevent evaporation of internal water and photosynthesis decreases due to decrease in the entry of carbon dioxide into leaves.

Consequently, the energy that would be used to perform photosynthesis is used to produce active oxygen and cells die. Therefore, the neutralization of plant oxides allows to lengthen the duration of plants in dry land. Researchers intend in the future to plant genetically manipulated tobacco in deserts.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila