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They discover the first fossils of a germinating whale
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Elia Elhuyar
They discover the first fossils of a germinating whale
01/04/2009 | Elhuyar
(Photo: ©Paleontology Museum of the University of Michigan)
A group of researchers at the University of Michigan first discovered fossils of a germinating whale in Pakistan. The tracks are 48 million years old and scientists believe that they have found sufficient evidence to think of the tracks that the animals of this species left on land.
In fact, they discover that the fetus was with its head forward, in the usual position of children in mammals that leave on land. In aquatic mammals, on the other hand, children at birth first pull out glue to prevent them from drowning.
These animals are considered to be circulating both in water and on land. In fact, they had four legs, fluttered feet and small hooves that allowed them to walk in dry. However, some experts believe that it is excessive to deduce from the position of the fetus if they were parted in water or on land.
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