Comfortable car phone

Talking on the phone by car is not easy. Therefore, to make things more comfortable, Mercedes wants to implement a new system within a few years. By placing a small lever behind the wheel you can connect and disconnect the phone. Once connected the driver can speak.

You will not need to leave a steering wheel to talk on the phone.

To do this, next to the mirror will be the microphone and the voice will be recorded in the memory of the car computer. The computer will know about twenty words pronounced in more than 200 different ways. The user can form their own set of words and talk to the other without indicating the number.

You will have an electronic system to eliminate parasitic noises such as winds. The Hifi string sound is automatically turned off when the phone is requested verbally. The estimated price is 75,000 pesetas or 3,000 pounds.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila