Cars will go up more

Scientists have developed a plastic layer that protects metal surfaces. It is called polyaniline. This film will allow bridges, pipes and cars to survive ten more years.

So far, anti-oxidation covers only provided temporary protection against environmental attacks. Polyaniline, on the other hand, reacts directly with iron and steel and can form a new layer that can last forever. Researchers have called this layer "organic metal."

Oxidation occurs when metal delivers its electrons to oxygen in the atmosphere. To delay this chemical reaction you can use zinc or paint. Zinc yields its electrons to oxygen and protects the metal below, but only for a while.

Polyaniline works differently. Instead of producing physical barrier, it acts as a catalyst in oxidation. This polymer takes electrons from the metal and gives them to oxygen. This two-phase oxidation produces an oxidized iron layer that prevents corrosion. This protection system is 3-10 times better than the rest. In addition, this polymer is not only cheaper than zinc, but it is not dangerous for humans.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila