Stable compound of Argona

Researchers at the University of Helsinki have obtained for the first time a stable compound with inert gas Argon: RF. Inert gases are completely filled with the outer electronic layer, so they do not have "forces" that cause the formation of chemical bonds, since the neutral atom has an already more energy stable arrangement.

The HArF is unstable in hot and can only be present in solid low temperature matrices (in this case from inert argon). The molecules are dissolved immediately if they touch or heat each other and transformed into unarmed atoms and unconnected HF of gas, more stable. Only the energy barrier involved in the breakdown of the weak H-ArF links holds the compound without breaking it properly. The HArF is not included in the same group as the numerous compounds that are produced with xenon and crypton, since they are easily elaborated and persistent as compounds of dissolution and/or solid salt.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila