Congress on Anbarra in Alava

A year and a half ago, the Alava amber, fossil resin, was news in the media. Now, for its part, the international congress on amber to be held next year in Vitoria-Gasteiz has shaken the press. Anbarra and its biological inclusions will be the main topics of the congress. The history of Amber, its discoveries, its treatment and conservation and, finally, the Alava site will be the main areas on which the congress will take place.

There have already been several world experts who have given the floor to his presence, such as David Grimaldi, of the American Museum of Natural History of New York, Georges Poinar of the University of California in Berkley, Kurt Beck, of the Amber Research Laboratory of New York, or researchers of the Earth Academy of Poland, among other countries of Russia.

The congress will be held between 20 and 24 October and will present for the first time the concrete scientific data and the discoveries on Alava amber, especially paleontomological, which can be the most surprising. The site has already shown that it is global and therefore is echoing in the scientific community.

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